Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Wanderlust has struck again

Maybe it is from all the stress of planning the biggest thing happening around the city for the 4th or maybe it is just a hankering for the road, but this morning I woke up with an overwhelming desire to gas up the car and head out. One of those "I want to be anywhere but here" modes and began to think of places I would like to go to on a Saturday. Maybe just run down towards Junction, driving backroads, stopping at overgrown cemeteries to walk around the gravestones, soaking up the history that is written on them.

Maybe a quick run to Uvalde to float the river.

Or perhaps a jaunt over to Fredericksburg to walk through shops, sample wine, eat good German food.

I don't know... anywhere but here.

So where will I go on this Saturday?

To work. Still have lots of planning to do for the 4th... but in my mind I think I will be cruising along the coast, the air heavy with the smell and feel of a salty gulf, and perhaps watch pelicans glide in for a landing or wish for a chance to drive through a passle of yapping sea gulls. If I can't get away physically, perhaps the mental drive will be enough.



Blogger Beverly said...

Mark...go see Fred....

8:17 AM  
Blogger Frustrated Writer said...

might have to do exactly that. what lake is he floating on these days?

9:29 AM  
Blogger Rhodent said...

I will go to owrk as well, then back into the boxes and dream of my next weekend in Key West.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Beverly said...

back pond all the way to the back...

10:46 AM  
Blogger brooksba said...

I hope you get away mentally today and that a trip shows up soon for you to escape. I'll be feeling for you this weekend, working myself almost all of it.

12:01 PM  

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