Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thursday 13 for 2/15/07

Thirteen Thoughts Running Around in my Mind

1. Ever notice that Richard Harris looked like he was wearing blue eye shadow all through Camalot?

2. I wish they would bring in a brawling competition for the NBA All-Star weekend.

3. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend. I can tune-up the car!

4. Think I will take Jman to a movie this weekend. There are some good ones out there.

5. Ever notice how fast you can move across a cold brick floor when you are trying to get coffee started in the morning?

6. How is it possible for the neighbor's cat to have time to leave paw prints on every car on the block but it doesn't have time to catch any mice?

7. If Iran is giving weapons to insurgents in Iraq, and Russia is giving weapons to Iran, and NATO gives weapons to Russia, and America is giving weapons to NATO, then should we declare war on ourselves?

8. Who decided you could get nuggets from a chicken and exactly what part of the chicken constitutes a nugget?

9. Why doesn't the IRS give extra deductions for people with multiple personalities? After all, aren't they dependant upon the person who has them?

10. I bet the statues in the parks are glad ostriches can't fly over or sit on them.

11. Looking at the coin that has been revealed with Cleopatra's face upon it I am now understanding why she put an asp to her breast. It seems like it was probably more an act of patriotism (sparing her countrymen from having to look at her) than an act of passion.

12. I had a long talk with a dwarf yesterday about dwarfism. I didn't know there was so much to know about the subject.

13. I wonder if anyone has realized lovers celebrate a day whose initials are VD? Hmm...

Have a great Thursday everyone!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did notice that about Richard Harris. and if Cleopatra's looks were so romanticized, it makes me wonder about Nefertiti and Helen of Troy.

#9 is a hoot. never looked at it quite that way before!

5:52 AM  
Blogger Rhodent said...

My favorite is #7

2:07 PM  
Blogger STAG said...

Ah, but amy, we KNOW what Nefertiti looked like, there is a statue of her. Hot Hot Hot Hot! Grrrrr...!

Say Frustrated, did you catch the story about the Livonia NY music store which is fighting city hall? Seems they hired a Santa to hold a sale sign in front of their store. The sign was on city property because, well, the Santa was on city property. The Santa got a ticket. The music store is fighting it.
I think in your book you had a solution. Maybe they could get a bunch of Santas to shoot chocolate covered cherries at the Livonia City Hall! A remarkably good solution it seems to me!

2:45 PM  
Blogger STAG said...

And in a similar vein to #8, when you went to the ball park last month, what part of the dog did YOU get?

2:47 PM  
Blogger L said...

ha ha! we probably SHOULD declare war on ourselves :)

btw, happy belated Valentine's Day

8:41 PM  
Blogger Frustrated Writer said...

l - thanks!

Bill - I'm afraid to ask but mustard would've covered any interesting flavors... and I didn't catch the story about the Santa but you are right, a good pelting never hurt City Hall.

peggy - yuppers, I feel it is coming.

amy - I think I'm going to claim an additional two dependents on my return this year... I hope it works!

4:25 AM  

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