Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

There is Hope

What a day today was. I woke up sick. Spent the day in an apartment with no air conditioning (my unit bit the dust today) so now I was sick and hot. I am really discouraged about the whole apartment scene. My ceiling is still missing in the bathroom and now I can look up and see the A-coil for the airconditioner.

But there is hope. I chatted with my best friend in the whole world and he told me of a country house, small, but livable. Needs some work but he is pretty sure the owner will let me stay there for free if I do the repairs. The owner doesn't want to do them and since his grandfather passed away doesn't have any desire to do anything with the house at all. I went by to look at it. It sits in 20 acres of sunflowers, has a shed in the back and is away from everybody. I am strangly attracted to it. Can't wait to see if this comes to pass. I don't mind doing repairs at all and if it means no rent, just money spent on materials... I'm game for that providing the repairs are within reason. The thought of being in the country without the sounds of sirens, horns, and squealing tires appeals to me.

Call me an optimist, but I am really excited about the possibility. Almost giddy.


Blogger brooksba said...

Sounds like a nice place. And a bit of an adventure.

10:17 PM  
Blogger GreatBeefalo said...

That sounds ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! Seriously, I would take that in a heartbeat. Ah, the smell of the Texas countryside...

11:50 PM  
Blogger Beverly said...

I don't get how the management at your complex gets away with not repairing your ceiling!..

Man, the country place sounds awesome..go for it!!

11:50 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

That place sounds like heaven :o)

12:05 AM  
Blogger Alisa said...

Definitely get out of your lease at that complex. Whatta buncha swindlers not fixing your ceiling or A/C!

(Then again, this could be dependant on the interior of the house you are looking at and what forms of repairs would be needed.)

4:40 AM  
Blogger Frustrated Writer said...

I know the house is going to need a lot of work but I don't mind doing the remodeling, time would be the greatest issue. I know it needs a new roof but I've done more than my share of that in the past and since it is a small house, it wouldn't take long. Plumbing is my biggest concern. Can't wait to see if the owner is game for this or not.

5:12 AM  
Blogger rambouillet said...

oooo that DOES sound intriging. I hope it works out!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Rhodent said...

This sounds like the perfect place for you if it works out. Since you love to tinker so much and can only operate in mutitasking mode, it sounds like a situation made in heaven! I can picture you strollin' around your acreage, cigar proppeed in it's right ful place, and a pleasant smile on your face! Hope it happens for you.

1:16 PM  

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