A few random pics from Arizona

Now that I finally have blogger allowing me to load pictures, I thought I would post a few...
The pictures are of my family's time in Greer, Arizona this summer to celebrate my parental units 50th anniversary. The middle pic is mom and dad with their surviving sons, the bottom pic is of a stream we were fishing and catching nice trout out of, and the top pic is of marker we put on my great, great aunt Clara Coleman's grave who was murdered by her Arizona/New Mexico husband (cattle theif, horse theif, and murderer) Henry Coleman, a.k.a. Henry Hudspeth. He came from a prominent Texas family (there is a county named after them) and his brother was a big man around Austin as far as state politics go. He murdered Clara for her ranch and was gunned down later when he returned to gather his "other wife" and baby. He was known to be fast with a gun and the posse wasn't going to let him have a chance to prove it. He is also buried in an unmarked grave without any references remaining to where that grave might be. Clara's grave was easy to find as the Catholic church kept records and buried folks chronologically so you just had to find the tombstones with dates on either side of her death. Pictures were also used to line up the approximate position so it was easy to determine location.
Enough of the history lesson...
Like seeing the pictures... lots of egos growing up, I imagine!
Just a note... i before e except after c... such a bother at times.
Nice pics.....50th anniversary!
Wow, quite an achievement.
Hope I am spelling this correctly :)
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