Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I Fear the Most

While I don't fear much I do have plenty of concerns that possibly could be classified as "fears." Hmm... Anywho, here is my Thursday Thirteen.

1. Needles. Hate 'em, don't like 'em, almost faint at the sight of them.
2. Giving blood. While I will do it when the there is a need, I dread the whole experience (refer back to #1).
3. Going to a dinner where they serve liver. Egad, to think I would have to be polite and choke that down is terrifying!
4. I might hurt someone I love unintentionally. Worse, that they might not let me know it.
5. Getting caught between a clubful of kids and the snack table when they are ravenous.
6. Finding a half eaten worm in a peach.
7. Landing in an airplane. Taking off, flying, and everything else is fine... it just seems that it is the landing when it all could go south quickly.
8. Finding there is no coffee in the house/office on a particularly "coffee, I need coffee" day.
9. Finding out the only place to eat in town is called "Liver R Us" (see a pattern here?)
10. My parents dying. They are such great friends and mentors. It will be particuarly hard to let them go.
11. Losing one of my kids. I've watched my parents go through this hell and you never recover from it. I can't even begin to imagine the whole left in your heart if one of them should go before I do.
12. Not finding funding for all of the programs we offer the kids in our city.
13. Arnold S. will make another Terminator movie.


Blogger GreatBeefalo said...

yeah, the 3rd Terminator was a pretty big let down. It was good, but not anywhere near as magnificent as the originals. No more trashing American treasures!

10:59 AM  
Blogger Demosthenes said...

Aw you're just a big "girly man" aren't you? Don't hate on the governator. Besides I'd much more worry about a sequal to Kindergarten Cop if I were you.

Plus, worms would be good for you. Good protein I think. And if you didn't notice it until after the fact, why worry?

11:06 AM  
Blogger brooksba said...

Not a fan of liver here. I'm surprised - no mention of creepy crawlies or slithering snakes. Those would be high on my list.

But then, Arnold is pretty scary.

12:21 PM  
Blogger -c said...

sorry greatbeefalo, but I wake up in fear of #13 every day...

1:29 PM  
Blogger Beverly said...

you're a wuss..

9:37 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I can so relate to the coffee....not pretty!

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops. I'm a little late checking your 13 out. sorry!

yup, hate liver. love needles, however. don't know why, but I love watching the phlebos draw my blood. it is sooo cool!

LOL at #5. so true!

2:52 PM  

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