Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

When the sanctity of a blog is defiled

Had a long conversation with a friend last night who had written a blog about his belief in what ministry should look like. Less preaching, more ministering. I concur and have always thought the education process should be in smaller settings where there is discussion among the group and ideas are fleshed out and thoughts, traditions, and ideologies are questioned, defended, and each person allowed to develop their own faith through it all. Sermons tend to be aimed at the median, not really challenging those who are further along in their walk.

So my friend expressed his view, pointing out that his own preacher's strengths were in the pulpit but instead were in the one on one relationships, excelling at the ministering to the flock but because of the need for sermon preperation, was bound to his office doing administration and preperation while losing out on the opportunities to minister. Valid points, his opinion, his dream of what a ministering church would look like.

Well bless the anonymous agitator who felt compelled to email the post to the preacher in an attempt to "stir it up" and bring a little conflict into the picture. I'm sure they feel quite happy they were the one to defile the blog and "expose" the thoughts of my friend. Yep, probably a watchdog who is content to "contend for the faith" at the expense of others. Perhaps if they spent as much time ministering as they did monitoring then the world around them would be a better place.

As for my friend, the possibility of his having to delete a blog where he was supposed to be able to express his thoughts, his views, and vent his frustrations when he needed is indeed a shame. So much for the concept of web log and journaling our thoughts while seeking discussion. I guess it is true, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of judgmental yahoos.

I'm through venting now.


Blogger STAG said...

I never say anything in writing that I wouldn't say in public. I don't hide my name on my blog for instance. And I make it a habit that if I don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing.

I love that method. When I am at a beer tent and somebody is going on about "those damned immigrants", or whatever, I have been known to slam my beer glass down and yell out the word "NOTHING". After doing that a few times, some bozo asks me why I am yelling out the word "Nothing". And I tell them what my daddy told me....

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's my biggest fear to give too much information about a case at work or about the people I work. someone they know could be reading. it's not likely, but it could happen.

you'd think some people would read the posts on a blog and take them for what they are: posts on a blog. and a blog is just a place to put down what you're thinking, feeling, and a place to dream, strike up friendships, and (in my case) vent like crazy.

it's too bad that some people have nothing better to do.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Alisa said...

You know, I really enjoyed that post he did on his blog. And agreed with the point he was making.

I think it's a travesty that his post 1) has been taken down and 2) he may not post his thoughts or ideas again because of one over-zealous idiot.

3:18 PM  
Blogger brooksba said...

It is a risk to put anything on a blog, but it shouldn't be. I think people should be allowed to say what they want to say on their sites and if someone doesn't like it, they can close the window. Done and done.

I hope he doesn't take down his blog because one person was a jerk. I also hope he knows that he had great points and is entitled to his opinions. Don't let someone else's poor social habits ruin your fun.

11:54 AM  

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