Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Good Gracious Gracie, Grab Gobs of Gifts!

I was able to deliver my first set of Christmas presents today; picture frames for the Ho's with our picture in them. It was good to have a moment to enjoy watching them open their presents and I was appreciative they didn't toss them into the trash until after I left the building.

Life is good.

So what do you do with the unwanted gift? I find this is a dilemma some folks really struggle with, especially those who don't utilize such gifts for target practice. Hmm, I always give mine to charity and let them worry about it. I have to admit there is seldom a gift I don't like since someone took the time to pick something out for me (okay, the suspicious 7-11 tags on some of them have made me pause for just a moment and wonder how much they actually thought about the gift...) so why wouldn't I like it?

I guess if I had to choose the most unusual and bad gift it would be an old license plate given to me. Yup, an old license plate from some foreign country (I think it was from New Mexico) that had no meaning at all to me. I'm thinking it was one of those moments when the gifter was cleaning out his garage and thought, "What the heck? I really need to get rid of this old thing but hate to throw it away... I know, I'll give it to Frustrated!" Well, Frustrated wasn't all that thrilled with it but I did find it made a fabulous target...

So what is the one gift you wanted to take a shot at?



Blogger brooksba said...

Unwanted gifts. They seem to find their ways to backs of closets and eventually turn up like bad pennies. Since you asked, I'd probably have to vote the sweatshirts with fuzzy bears on them that I got from my grandparents each year from age 14 to 17. Yikes!

Glad that the Ho's enjoyed their pictures in the frames. That is a nice, thoughtful gift.

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get a lot of sweaters and socks, most of which are good for bonfires, or I end up with five or six desk calendars.

5:56 AM  
Blogger -c said...

Right before I had to leave Japan (and right after I had already packed all my bags to their weight limit), a kind old man at a my neighborhood restaurant gave me a 2-foot, very heavy, ceramic hello kitty-like, cartoon buddha sculpture with feaux red lipstick. There was no getting hands on target-practice guns there, but I'm sure the guy whose car hood I placed the gift on found an equally satisfying use for it.

10:42 PM  

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