Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


It is search time again as I begin to interview possible candidates for a director's position at one of the clubs. Of course there are your basic questions you ask as well as your basic questions you avoid, but there should be a category of questions you would want to ask but aren't sure you would be allowed to. Such as:
  • Who did you root for in the Rose Bowl?
  • If you realized the only clean shirt you had to wear to work was a Texas Aggie shirt would you a) wear it with pride b) wear it and apologize profusely c) put on a dirty shirt, or d) come without a shirt?
  • How do you feel about expensive presents being given to your boss on Bosses' Day?
  • We've been working hard all day and take a break for an ice cold diet Coke. Realizing there is only one left and there are two of us, what would you do? a) Offer it to me, your boss b) offer half of it to me, your boss c) offer me a sip, your boss or d) drink it all while you are cleaning out your desk
  • A mouse is terrorizing your club and has now turned it's attention to you. Would you a) flee the building, screaming like a girl b) put a trash can over it and "herd" it back outside, c) call 911 or d) stomp that sucker flat to bring the terror to an end?
  • Name the last 10 US Presidents in reverse order while hopping on one foot and juggling knives. (No this has nothing to do with the job, I just like to be entertained...).
  • Which comic strip character do you find to be the most cerebral?

Oh well, I guess I'll stick to the standards and avoid the questionable ones. Sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha, ha! if only interviews were that entertaining!

good to find you again! what happened? did blogger lose your blog or did you just revamp?

happy weekend!!

9:10 AM  
Blogger Alisa said...

Who did you root for in the Rose Bowl?

Notre Dame! (haha that's the only college football I watch)

If you realized the only clean shirt you had to wear to work was a Texas Aggie shirt would you a) wear it with pride b) wear it and apologize profusely c) put on a dirty shirt, or d) come without a shirt?

I'd wear it with pride... just because I didn't know any better.

How do you feel about expensive presents being given to your boss on Bosses' Day?

Depends on the salary said boss gives me with which I might be able to lavish extremely expensive, yet tasteful gifts on him/her.

We've been working hard all day and take a break for an ice cold diet Coke. Realizing there is only one left and there are two of us, what would you do? a) Offer it to me, your boss b) offer half of it to me, your boss c) offer me a sip, your boss or d) drink it all while you are cleaning out your desk.

I'd actually run down the street to a convenience store.

A mouse is terrorizing your club and has now turned it's attention to you. Would you a) flee the building, screaming like a girl b) put a trash can over it and "herd" it back outside, c) call 911 or d) stomp that sucker flat to bring the terror to an end?

Probably stomp it flat for sheer lack of knowledge on how to do anything else with it.

Name the last 10 US Presidents in reverse order while hopping on one foot and juggling knives. (No this has nothing to do with the job, I just like to be entertained...).

LMAO I think I could do that.

Which comic strip character do you find to be the most cerebral?


So, am I hired?

4:46 PM  
Blogger Frustrated Writer said...

Yup, you are definitely hired! Oh, the correct answer to question #1 was Texas... just for future job interviews I thought that might help you out...

6:44 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Can I get an application in???

2:07 AM  
Blogger Weary Hag said...

You thought you could escape me this easily? Nay. I found you through Alisa (thank you Alisa) on her comments. :)

Love the new digs - but why on earth did you get rid of the old one?

I don't think I would be hired at your place - I only knew the answer to one of these questions and it was "Ew ... diet coke?"

Good to see you, Mark!

8:11 AM  

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