Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Lack of Dreams

I sip my coffee slowly
Listening to other's dreams
And feel a little lowly
As dreams I've never seen.

One dreams in vivid hues
One dreams in contrast
One's dreams appear askew
Caught between present and past.

I wish I had experienced them
And could join these bards
Offering interpretations on REM's
Creative morphic shards.

But I can't as I don't see
The images born on the abyss
Left to leech off dreamers three
Wondering what I've really missed.

So if you remember your dreams
Appreciate your blessed flight
As you share what you have seen
With those of us without sight.

I don't dream and can really only remember those few images crossing my subconscious at the waking point of the night's slumber. Medication takes me immediately to Beta sleep so I miss out on REM which means I miss out on dreaming. There is an envy in me for those of you who can dream and remember them vividly. What a wonderful conduit for your creative process as your subconsious runs wilds while your body rests.

Hmm, I guess I suffer from dream envy. Wonder what Freud would say about that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he would, undoubtedly, blame it on your mother. Freud was always a joy to study in psychology the four times I took it.

I remember only bits and pieces when I dream. those bits I can remember are quite weird and sometimes freak me out. I have that falling sensation when I sleep a lot. I hate that.

8:07 AM  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

Since I got my CPAP, I started hitting REM more and being able to remember the occasional dream. Now I'm on Seraquel and the combination of the two has created some bizarre dreams. After having the dream about Alien Jesus who shot fire from his stomach, I had to check the side effects but apparently this isn't one of them. I guess I'll think of it as a blessing but I sure get some weird looks when I tell people what I dreamt about.

8:08 AM  
Blogger GreatBeefalo said...

Dang, Amy got to it before me! Yeah, Freud wouldve blamed it on some secret problem you had with your mother. As for me, my dreams usually consist of weird happenings that dont make a lick of sense and I usually dont remember.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Kuntry Konfession said...

yeeeah! i love poetry....perhaps you don't dream (?!), but your pen does the dreamings and interpertations for you....the pen is a gateway to all worlds....

10:31 AM  
Blogger Page Turner said...

In Psych 1000 we learned that without REM sleep one doesn't feel rested after a night's sleep. My bet is that you do enter REM, as it's a normal sequence in the sleep pattern, but you are just not able to remember your dreams. Dreams are only random thoughts bouncing inside your head in no apparent order. I can often pinpoint why I dreamt a certain thing based on what happened to me the previous day. Or sometimes I won't remember a dream until something happens the following day to remind me of the dream

3:29 PM  
Blogger Rhodent said...

My favorite dreams are those that I have when I am half awake in the early morning. Since you happen to be one of those people who pop out of your bed as if it were a toaster as soon as you begin to wake, you miss out. Maybe you should try lounging in bed for a few minutes more each day and let your imagination flow. You might surprise yourself at what thoughts and dreams come for a visit!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Jeeeez i will gladly swap REM for Beta anyday. I can't remember the last time i had Beta :(

11:08 PM  
Blogger -c said...

I'm surprised to learn that you don't dream. But, then again, I suppose you do plenty of it during your waking life. With creativity and imagination like yours, your dreams might just be too much to handle. Maybe your subconscious is protecting you:)

5:33 PM  

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