Flailing Away with Frustrated

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

So I'm a D...

Went on a two day retrieat with our local Leadership group for the Chamber of Commerce and one of the excercises you do is take the DISC (Dominance Influence personality Steadiness Compliance) test that focuses on personalities found in the work place. Part of the exercise is for the group to gather in the category they were highest in. So I am looking at my scores (D=30 I=25 S=25 C=20) and listening to the instructor explain that people "like me" are:

Task Oriented


Team Leaders


Good at getting to the root of the problem

Enjoy challenges and being in control

Not trusting of others

Can be aggressive if angered

Have a hard time building relationships

Want team members to arrive with facts and stats so the job can get done

Do not like team members who are lazy, irresponsible, or clueless and tend to get rid of those who can't pull their weight

No, I think he said they enjoy firing people...

I would admit I have a most of those qualities but some of them are not in my make up. For one, I will dismiss a person who won't do their job or is obviously not a good fit for the organization but I hate those times when such action is required because it bothers me my decision will affect the person who is being dismissed as well as their families.

However, some of my colleagues really did enjoy firing people and had no problem giving them the axe. To say some of their attitudes were a little disturbing would be an understatement but I guess every business has a need for an axeman but I would like to think one of my colleagues had the right idea of "I always give them a time to change the situation with the known result stated plainly at the beginning." I agree with him that is a fair option where employees have a chance to correct the problem or decide they may not be cut out for the career they are currently in.

Hmm, I would like to think my scores are fairly balanced so maybe I not such a D afterall...


Blogger Michelle said...

I'm so glad you clarified what the "D" was, at first i thought you were saying you were a D cup!

6:25 PM  
Blogger Frustrated Writer said...

thanks Mr. Honeybee and Michelle, egad, I hope not....

9:21 PM  
Blogger Alisa said...

we did one of those for work last year and I was a "c".

Almost everyone else in my work place was an "s".

9:07 AM  
Blogger Page Turner said...

I would think that I would be a 'D'...glad it's not a D-cup, but initially I thought your title was "D" for Dumbass. LOL

I don't find pleasure from firing someone in that I hate the confrontation of it, but in the end, if the person is a complete no-mind I don't really give a rats ass about what happens to them after they leave. It's not my problem that they don't have the skills to maintain and excel at their job. Dead weight needs to be trown overboard. Only the strong survive, and all that.

11:01 AM  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

I don't like having to fire people because I also wonder about their families, etc. But, if they aren't doing the job that is required of them, really they only have themselves to blame.

I wonder what I would be.

7:51 AM  

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