Free Cat
I love the picture that is going around on the net that shows a sign that says, "Free Cat" with the arrow pointing at a dead cat on the road. I'm not thrilled a cat was runover, but I do think it is funny that someone chose the moment to be funny. In the midst of a stressful moment, a little laughter.
As stress builds around us, I can't help but wonder if we shouldn't be pulling out our signs and pointing at the obvious disaster and offer those passing by a "Free Cat." We can obsess on the bad things or find the humor in the whole situation. For instance;
When a factory I worked for was in the beginning stages of shutting down, the first wave of layoffs were conducted at the end of the graveyard shift. No warning, just a "Hey, meeting in the cafeteria at 6:40." So all of the unsuspecting souls assembled upstairs to receive their pink slip, hear the procedure of bumping back into jobs you once held that you would have seniority, and then the offer of the "Free Cat."
Our rotund manager stood in front of the crowd of muttering men and women and said, "I know you are hurting right now and you are angry. You need to vent and let us know how you are feeling and get those emotions out. So we are here for you. Let me introduce to you Ms. Imherebecausethemanagementistoocowardlytofaceyouthemselves who will listen to your concerns, your hurt, and walk you through the anger." A quick exit and all the upper management was off to have breakfast somewhere and this poor creature was left to the angry denison of wolves. Ah, a free cat if I ever saw one. We've put the screws to you but hey, let us know about it by bashing this sacrificial lamb...
I still smile when I think of that morning because if there is one thing about getting a free cat from the middle of the road is that you can sure whack the one who gave it to you with it constantly until there is no more cat to swing.
So today when the pressures get great, take a moment and find the free cat. I know I will. Hmm, that one looks like a calico...
As stress builds around us, I can't help but wonder if we shouldn't be pulling out our signs and pointing at the obvious disaster and offer those passing by a "Free Cat." We can obsess on the bad things or find the humor in the whole situation. For instance;
When a factory I worked for was in the beginning stages of shutting down, the first wave of layoffs were conducted at the end of the graveyard shift. No warning, just a "Hey, meeting in the cafeteria at 6:40." So all of the unsuspecting souls assembled upstairs to receive their pink slip, hear the procedure of bumping back into jobs you once held that you would have seniority, and then the offer of the "Free Cat."
Our rotund manager stood in front of the crowd of muttering men and women and said, "I know you are hurting right now and you are angry. You need to vent and let us know how you are feeling and get those emotions out. So we are here for you. Let me introduce to you Ms. Imherebecausethemanagementistoocowardlytofaceyouthemselves who will listen to your concerns, your hurt, and walk you through the anger." A quick exit and all the upper management was off to have breakfast somewhere and this poor creature was left to the angry denison of wolves. Ah, a free cat if I ever saw one. We've put the screws to you but hey, let us know about it by bashing this sacrificial lamb...
I still smile when I think of that morning because if there is one thing about getting a free cat from the middle of the road is that you can sure whack the one who gave it to you with it constantly until there is no more cat to swing.
So today when the pressures get great, take a moment and find the free cat. I know I will. Hmm, that one looks like a calico...
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