Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I've been a baaaaaaaaaaaad boy

Okay, I have not posted for a few days and that means I am delinquint in my writing. My world has been hectic to say the least with preperations for hearings with CPS over licensing issues. The initial hearing is over and we have two weeks to produce recommended policies in order to comply with exemption criteria. No problem. Luckily I already have an additional 8 hours of the day that I am not working in which I can whip those puppies out.

Our annual report is almost finished and my brother is doing an excellent job on the layout. It will be a product worthy of pride!

As for me, I'm just plugging along. Have two grant requests due today, one is finished, one is still being tweaked. No problem, I'll knock 'em out.

I have a narrative to write for the UW today. No problem.

I think I am also supposed to propose a plan for world peace with an additional sidebar addressing world hunger... no problem.

Okay, a bummer of a post. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

somebody's been busy.
hope your hump day is a productive one!

6:02 AM  
Blogger brooksba said...

You sound terribly busy! I get that feeling and hope you're able to accomplish all.

11:51 AM  

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