Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Making the plunge

I took the plunge and updated to Blogger Beta. I'm not sure if this is better or not but I do like the labels you can attach to your posts. I put them on the November posts and will continue to do so from now on. I saw these on Amy's blog and liked the idea of clicking on the label and reading all her posts centered on her themes. Welpers, here are my current labels and feel free to click on any of them if you have a hankering for;

Life - Just my day to day commentary on my life
Poetry - For those moments you say to yourself, "I haven't read any really bad poetry lately so I think I'll take in some Frustrated poetry."
Songs - Some of Frustrated's favorite lyrics
Ranting - If you want to know what has chapped the ol' Frustrated's hide
Whining - Frustrated whimpering. Sigh.
Great Ideas - Those moments of brilliance when the ol' Frustrated has figured out how to make this place so much better. No, no one will listen to me, but still some great ideas.

Those are all that I have now. I thought of adding labels such as "Women" (but that really falls under Whining or Ranting), Sports (but that is easily a Life category), and "What the ....?" (but I think that is a Life category too as we spend most of our moments walking around observing the absurdities of life and find ourselves thinking, "What the...?"). I might add them later, but for now I am happy with the labels I have.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the labels too. WordPress blogs have them, so I'm glad Blogger adopted the feature. I've managed to label some of my old posts, but haven't gotten through them all yet.

have a good weekend, mark!

9:08 AM  
Blogger brooksba said...

I'm waiting for Blogger to allow my site to go Beta. I love the idea of categories. You've got good ones!

11:50 AM  
Blogger Hopalong Cassidy said...

Your braver than me. I keep looking at the ads for Blogger Beta but haven't gotten up the nerve yet to take "the plunge".

1:10 PM  
Blogger Weary Hag said...

Well howdy old friend!

Just wandering around lately, peeking in here and there to see what people are up to.

I haven't a clue what Blogger Beta is or how to change over ... changing anything on the blog seems scary to me, so I probably won't. :(

I do love the labeling ideas and you're (but of course) are great!

Take care and have a nice Thanksgiving!


6:55 AM  

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