Flailing Away with Frustrated

My mind meanders mindlessly mercifully.

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Location: Texas, United States

Frustrated, foolish FW flails fitfully, failing to find fruition from facetious fritterings.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ode to a Turkey

Oh Mr. Turkey all juicy and fat
Cooking nicely in the roaster.
Surrounded by dressing that goes splat
Made from old bread toasted.

You had such a cute name, I recall
When wrapped in netted white.
We lovingly called you "Butterball"
Looking forward to a feasting delight.

Now you're a gorgeous brown
Smelling like heaven has descended
Folks are starting to gather round
To devour you as intended.

So on this day of giving thanks
I thank you Mr. Turkey
For being there for our hungry ranks
And not being made of tofurkey.



Blogger -c said...

hee hee! Aahh..., it's been awhile but I've finally gotten a chance to come back and visit my dear frustrated writer... And, as always, what a treat! I I especially enjoy all of the great Thanksgiving recipe ideas!! You've got one-turkey-stuffed girl in Washington laughing! :)

8:09 PM  
Blogger brooksba said...

I'm looking forward to turkey leftovers. Yum!

12:32 PM  

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